Introduction To Diaries of Nitu Singh

Hello Readers
          My inclination towards Hinduism and Indian philosophy has led me from the highway to a narrow street. After years of experience, I have come to accept that creativity stems from a point and the beautiful aspects unveil themselves when the roots are forgotten. Rediscovering my roots, I touched upon the Sanskrit alphabets. The search however did not stop here with this simple discovery. My curiosity about the Hindi Varanamala led me to a plethora of unending mysteries hidden in our literature going back to Rigveda.

                                                          As fish lives through water
                                                              We live through sound

              Matrikas are the unknown little mothers, used here to refer to the subtle inner speech .It is the inner matrix of the mind which enables us to linguistically filter and view the world. The Sanskrit alphabet is made up of sixteen vowels, twenty five consonants, four semi -vowels and five sibilants. Each consonant has a manifestation known as tattva. It is the Divine language which manifests and has a body. We can become aware of the subtle play of matrikas through careful self-observation.

We can see 
How letters rises 
How letters compose words
How words convey meaning in the mind
How meaning creates images 
Images of the world 
There is no world without you.
Only your awareness make the world for you.
Change your thought if causes don't give you desire effect.

                                         Buy my book 
Nitu Singh


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